At Affordable Canvas we believe that anyone can create meaningful masterpieces. If you’re looking to add some color and excitement to your walls this summer and maybe keep your kids engaged and learning (if only for a minute), we have the perfect activity for you.

This art adventure is designed to spark their creativity and unleash their inner artist! Inspired by the masterpieces of Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet, this activity takes kids on a journey through color, line, and texture. The result? Not just a fridge-worthy masterpiece, but a piece of art that holds special meaning, reflecting their unique exploration of these iconic artistic styles. Watch their imaginations bloom as they translate their favorite aspects of Van Gogh's bold brushstrokes or Monet's soft hues into their own artistic language. This is more than just an art project; it's a chance for them to express themselves and create a piece that will hold a special place in your home, a constant reminder of their artistic journey.


The Project

Age Group: 5-10 years old

Time: 45 minutes (can be adjusted based on attention span)

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be introduced to the concepts of line, color, shape, and texture in art.
  • Students will explore the work of Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet, focusing on their distinct styles.
  • Students will create their own artwork inspired by Van Gogh and Monet.

Materials (Base on your preferences):

  • Watercolor paints (primary and secondary colors)
  • Crayons
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers
  • Acrylic paint (optional, for older students)
  • White drawing paper
  • Large paint brushes
  • Cups of water
  • Paper towels
  • Images of Vincent van Gogh's and Claude Monet's paintings (printed or projected)

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Warm-up: Start with an energizing activity like a short dance or a game that involves movement. This helps students loosen up and focus.
  2. Art Talk: Show the students several images of paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet. Briefly discuss the artists' names and where they lived. Ask the students:
    • What do you see in these paintings?
    • What colors are used?
    • Do the lines look smooth or wiggly?
    • Do the paintings look rough or smooth?
  3. Introduce Art Fundamentals: Explain the four basic elements of art: line, color, shape, and texture. Briefly discuss each element with examples:
    • Line: The path a moving point makes. Show how Van Gogh used thick, swirling lines in his paintings.
    • Color: The light reflected off an object. Highlight the vibrant colors in both artists' work.
    • Shape: A closed two-dimensional area. Point out the different shapes in the paintings, like squares, circles, and flowers.
    • Texture: The surface quality of an object. Mention how Van Gogh's brushstrokes create a textured effect.

Activity (25 minutes):

  1. Choose Your Inspiration: Let the students choose whether they want to create an artwork inspired by Van Gogh or Monet.
  2. Planning: Briefly discuss what they might include in their artwork based on their chosen artist.
    • Van Gogh Inspiration: Encourage them to use bold colors, thick lines, and swirling patterns. They could draw a starry night, a sunflower field, or a vase with flowers.
    • Monet Inspiration: Suggest using soft colors, light brushstrokes, and capturing the feeling of light and water. They could create a water lily pond, a garden scene, or a sunrise over water.
  3. Creating the Artwork:
    • Provide students with their chosen art materials. Demonstrate basic watercolor techniques like wetting the paper and layering colors.
    • Encourage them to use lines, shapes, and textures to create their artwork.
    • Allow for experimentation and creativity.

Wrap-up (10 minutes):

  1. Sharing Time: Have students share their artwork with the class. Ask them to explain what they created and how they used the art fundamentals.
  2. Reflection: Discuss as a group what they learned about Van Gogh and Monet's styles. Ask them which element of art (line, color, shape, or texture) they enjoyed using the most and why.


  • For younger students (5-7 years old): Focus on using crayons or markers, and provide simpler prompts for their artwork.
  • For older students (8-10 years old): Introduce acrylic paint (optional) and encourage them to experiment with different techniques like layering and blending colors.

Extension Activities:

  • Visit a local art museum or online gallery to see more works by Van Gogh and Monet.
  • Students can write a short story inspired by their artwork.
  • Create a collaborative artwork as a class, inspired by either Van Gogh or Monet.

This lesson plan provides a foundation for introducing young artists to the concepts of line, color, shape, and texture. By exploring the works of Van Gogh and Monet, students gain an appreciation for different artistic styles and unleash their own creativity.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of Vincent van Gogh and the evocative light and atmosphere of Claude Monet. Our collection offers a unique opportunity to experience the genius of these two Post-Impressionist masters firsthand. Don't miss this chance to be inspired by their artistic vision – visit us today!

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